For Licensed Financial Institutions (LFIs)  and Insurance Companies
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For Licensed Financial Institutions (LFIs) and Insurance Companies

Our guidance for Licensed Financial Institutions (LFIs) and Insurance Companies with key strategies and best practices for effectively addressing consumer complaints before escalation to Sanadak.

For Licensed Financial Institutions (LFIs)  and Insurance Companies

Achieving a resolution before Sanadak

Before reaching out to Sanadak, it's important for consumers to attempt to resolve their issues directly with the Licensed Financial Institutions (LFIs) or Insurance Companies. These entities are expected to have their own internal complaint resolution processes in place.

Waited 30 calendar days for response from LFIs or Insurance Company

The complaint is not a duplicate of another previous or active complaint

The complaint is not being heard in a court of law

The complaint is against a Licensed Financial Institutions (LFIs) or Insurance Company licensed by the Central Bank of the UAE

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the fees charged by Sanadak?

What happens if the Annual Levy and Case Fee are insufficient to cover Sanadak's operations?

Can the appeals fee be refunded?

How can I contact Sanadak for more information or assistance?

How is Sanadak related to the Insurance Dispute Resolution Committee?

Is participation with Sanadak mandatory for Licensed Financial Institutions and Insurance Companies?

Do Licensed Financial Institutions or Insurance Companies have to inform Sanadak if a complaint has been lodged against them?

What happens if a Licenced Financial Institution or Insurance Company is already dealing with a compliant appeal via the Central Bank’s legacy Consumer Protection Agency or Insurance Dispute Resolution Committee?